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Kombucha, Salad & Changes to the Website - Week 2 Update

Future Creatives Festival on Friday evening.

I don't know where week 1 went, but it's gone! The kitchen was busy as usual, MOVE coffee club was pumping on a Thursday afternoon in the cafe, and the Future Creatives made great use of our stage on Friday evening (check out some photos here).

There's also been a couple of changes to our website; and to the Wholefoods information available through the MSA portal. Most importantly, catering and events information are now both available online; and the MSA links potential volunteers directly to Wholefoods (as well displaying as an alternative cover photo that doesn't promote takeaway cups, woohoo!)

Week 2 is also shaping up to be pretty busy. In past years, weeks 2-3 and 10-11 have been our peak of operations for the semester, so we could really make use of more hands on deck; especially on cleaning and in the servery.

In other news for this week, we're holding our first Collective meeting for the semester! Collective #8 will be at 4pm this Wednesday; and we'll be discussing (amongst other things) adding a new falafel/salad shift on Monday and Wednesday mornings, the possibility of stocking kombucha in the cafe, and where we want to take our future with the Reuse A Cup/BorrowCup initiative, which will be returning to Wholefoods this Tuesday. All are welcome! Lastly, Free Food Mondays will be back as usual tonight, Open Mic and MOVE will fill out a jam-packed Thursday alongside the BiolSoc welcome dinner, and Friday will see the Perma Club host a chilled-out games night on the couches.

See you around!

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